Pellet heating stoves


PELLET heating stove

  • Steel hearth
  • External steel/ceramic coating
  • Time programming
  • Automatic cleaning of tubing and brazier (“A” version)
  • Front hot air fan (“A” version)


    Caratteristiche tecniche

    Description Hearth power Water power Air power Efficiency Hour pellet consumption Fireplace diameter Bulk Dimensions Pellet content
    PARIGI 8,8 ÷ 22,5 6,5 ÷ 17,8 1,3 ÷ 2 88% 1,8 ÷ 4,7 10 195 114x61x63 35

    Ellegi S.r.l.

    Via II^ Strada 19 - 35026

    Conselve (PD) ITALY 

    Tel. +39 049 9501692

    P. IVA: 01101400297

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