Storage tanks/Buffer tank


Model: SF/Z - SF/X

Storage tanks for chilled water and heating. Galvanised and stainless steel.


    Construction: AISI 04 stainless steel sheet mod. SF/X.

    Treatment Mod. SF/Z: Galvanising treatment by total immersion in a molten zinc bath according to standard EN ISO 1461.

    Treatment Mod. SF/X: Pickling and passivation after welding.

    Insulation: 20 mm thick anti-condensation flexible insulation (STANDARD VERSION), model RG-RA non-removable rigid polyurethane.

    External finish: PVC external finish (STANDARD VERSION).

    Mod. RG external finish in ABS up to mod. 1000, PVC finish for higher models.

    Mod. RA external finish in aluminium sheet.

Technical features

Modello 100 200 300 500 800 1000 1500 2000
Ø con isolamento RI mm. 440 490 590 690 840 840 990 1140
Ø con isolamento RG-RA mm. 460 510 610 710 860 860 1010 1160
Altezza totale mm. 1015 1373 1405 1690 1750 2000 2345 2395

Model 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000 10000
Ø with insulation RI mm. 1290 1290 1440 1640 1840 1840 1840
Ø with insulation RG-RA mm. 1310 1310 1500 1700 - - -
Total height mm. 2445 2705 2765 2860 2885 3385 4385

Ellegi S.r.l.

Via II^ Strada 19 - 35026

Conselve (PD) ITALY 

Tel. +39 049 9501692

P. IVA: 01101400297

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